Ned Selfe

Hawaii Top 10 Posted: Nov 6 2007
In case you hadn't noticed, Ned Selfe currently owns 20% of the Broadjam Hawaii Top 10. 'Far Down the Road' clocks in at #7 and 'Souvenirs' is at #9, making this the 4th time that we've held down multiple spots on the chart at once. Not bad for a little ol' steel guitar player......

GarageBand Track of the Day Posted: May 7 2007

Just found out that 'Louise' will be featured as the Instrumental Rock Track of the Day at for May 14, 2007. Very cool stuff from a very cool site. If you're not familiar with GarageBand (the website), you should tootle on over and check it out!

More Top Tens Posted: Apr 24 2007
In the past of couple of days, we've seen 'Souvenirs' reach the Broadjam Top 10 for the New Age and Hawaii charts. It's always nice to be recognized! I've made a promise to my fans that I will always have underwear on when the paparazzi starts to swarm....

New Age Top Ten Posted: Dec 21 2006
'Souvenirs' entered the New Age - Contemporary charts at Broadjam today. While I don't particularly think of it as New Age, who am I to argue wih the fans? If nominated, I will serve.... Thanks!

3 out of ten Posted: Nov 28 2006
Believe it or not, we've held three out of the Top Ten spots for the Broadjam Hawaii Region charts for the last couple of weeks. I think the alliance will make it to tribal council..... oh, sorry, that's a different show.

TAXI and the Top Ten Too?!? Posted: Nov 14 2006
Just got back from attending the big TAXI Road Rally in L.A. to discover that 'Souvenirs' has now entered the Broadjam Top 10 for Hawaii! W00-H00! For those of you keeping score at home, that means we currently have two songs in the Hawaii Top Ten (yep, 'Far Down The Road' is still hanging in there). I'd like to thank the members of the Academy.....oops, wrong speech.

Top Ten In Pop Rock Posted: Oct 13 2006
'Far Down The Road' has enterd the Top Ten on Broadjam's Pop Rock charts! First of all, I'd like to thank the members of the Anatomy, and of course, my family, my agent, my record company, and all the 'little people' who worked so hard to help me get where I am today........ Seriously, that is pretty cool and I'm stoked!

In The Top Ten Posted: Sep 13 2006
That's right, Ned Selfe hit the Broadjam Top Ten for Hawaii this week. Next week. the world!

Track o' the day, Ma! Posted: Sep 13 2006
Check it out:

CASTAWAY is Track of the Day on 28Jun2005 in Instrumental Rock

Track of the Day Posted: Sep 13 2006
CASTAWAY is Track of the Day on 9Jul2005 in Jazz

Kauai Music Festival Posted: Jul 29 2006
The Kauai music festival will be Aug. 2 to Aug. 5 this year. Come check it out! There's nothing like songwriting with some of the world's best songwriters while chillin' on the beach.....